Es ist soweit Quake Live verlässt den Beta Status. Für alle die Quake Live nicht kennen, es ist simpel gesagt Quake3 was mit mit Hilfe des Browsers spielt, in selber wenn nicht besserer Qualtität wie früher Quake 3.
Zum Ende der Beta Phase wurde ein System für Bezahlte Premium Accounts eingeführt, diese sind allerdings zum reinen spielen vollkommen unnötig.
Hier die Features der Bezahl Accounts:
The Premium Subscription, which can be purchased for $1.99 per month, billed annually, includes:
* Access to 20 QUAKE LIVE Premium only maps at launch with more to come. Premium maps are a combination of brand new maps and frequently requested community favorites from previous QUAKE games such as Aerowalk, Theater of Pain, Japanese Castles, and Realm of Steel Rats;
* An all new ‘Freeze Tag’ game mode;
* Exclusive premium level awards;
* Create your own clan and join up to five separate clans;
* Custom QUAKE LIVE profile wallpaper; and
* Match statistics stored for six months.
The Pro Subscription, which can be purchased for $3.99 per month, billed annually, includes all of the premium subscription features as well as:
* The ability to start your own game server, specify a server location, determine the game mode and invite who you want to join you;
* With the Pro Subscription, you can invite three friends with Standard level memberships to play with you in any Premium level map;
* Exclusive pro awards;
* Create your own clan and join up to ten separate clans; and
* Match statistics stored for 12 months.