Es ist auch eine neue MetaMod Version erschienen, die durch die Engine Änderungen auch nötig wurde, unsere Server sind sind schon geupdatet.
Hier das Changelog:
Added support for recently added routines in the HL Engine (SequenceGet, etc).
Removed mod recognition and entities for Master-Sword v1.3, at the request of the Mod's authors.
Added mod recognition and entities for HL-Rally vBeta 1.0, Kanonball v1.01, Over Ground vBeta 1.0, Project Timeless vBeta 1.0, Underworld Bloodline v2.0.
Additional entities for The Battle Grounds v1.2.1, Firearms v2.8.
Additional entities "env_rain" and "env_snow" used on some CS maps.
Added "metamod_version" cvar that can be queried from game browser clients.
Added "meta" client command similar to the console command.
Introduced basic config file to provide more reliable and more flexible options passing, in addition to the current +localinfo method.
Added "meta require " console command, to exit the server if the specified plugin is not found loaded and running. Intended for use in server.cfg or metaexec.cfg. Suggested by Florian Zschocke.
Added GINFO_REALDLL_FULLPATH for mutil GetGameInfo, to return the (supposed) "real" dllpathname, ie in case gamedll is overridden. Needed specifically for plugin "SinglePlayer".
Now recognizes "/dev/null" as valid for path options (pluginsfile, execcfg, configini, etc), for when an empty file _is_ desired.
Fixed loading of plugins.ini to detect duplicate plugins (by full pathname).