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» Cyber X Games Qualifier in LA abgebrochen ***UPDATE***
Kategorie: CS-Szene von mash - 07.12.03 - 23:06 - 0 Kommentare

Die amerikanische CS-Newspage berichtete soeben, dass der Cyber X Games Qualifier in Los Angeles, an dem unter anderem Adrenaline[GX] (u.a. mit Vesslan) und CAL-I Champion Team Stomping Grounds teilnehmen, wegen eines sehr unerfreulichen Vorfalls abgebrochen werden musste. Nach Aussage bisher unbestätigter Quellen, zog ein Spieler des US-Clans BattleZone nach einem Wortgefecht mit einem anderen Spieler eine Handfeuerwaffe und richtete diese auf einen zum Schlichten herbeigeeilten CXG-Admin. Daraufhin wurde das Turnier sofort abgebrochen.

Offizielles Statement der Turnierleitung:
"Due to the incident last evening, the qualifier is now cancelled as of 12:00pm Saturday afternoon. All teams remaining in the brackets are guaranteed spots in the Las Vegas CXG event, but the qualifier results will not count towards the LV event. We regret to inform the teams and the community, and hope that all the gamers realize that it is not CyberX's or Gamers-X's fault. Unfortunately, this type of incident is never controllable.

The prize money for this qualifier will be distributed evenly between the remaining teams, as stated by Chris (Recon) from CyberX Gaming. We at Gamers-X would like to thank the community for their patience and understanding. We also thank CyberX Gaming for their understanding and the sponsors that made this event possible. We are very fortunate to help and support the gaming community by holding these events and thank CyberX Gaming for using our LAN center to hold this qualifier."


Beim den im Januar in Las Vegas auszutragenden Cyber X Games geht es um ein Preise im Gesamtwert von über 600.000 US-$. Die noch im Turnier verbliebenen Teams erhalten einen garantierten Startplatz beim Finalturnier und darüber hinaus wird das Preisgeld des Qualifiers unter diesen aufgeteilt.

Auf gotFrag erschien nun auch ein offizielles Statement von CyberXGaming, in dem der ganze Vorgang nochmal detailliert geschildert wird:

"Cyber X Games Inc.
December 7, 2003

Community Release: CXG Los Angeles Qualifying Event/Response as written by Joseph F. Hill, President, Cyber X Gaming Inc.

At 4:30am (CST) I was informed by CXG staff and representatives of Gamers X of a disturbance that took place outside of the Gamers X facility. In response to this event I have prepared the following statement, which is based upon police reports, research, and information gathered to date from those involved, I prepared this type of response because I believe it important to the community that these actions be revealed and discussed:

Late last evening following the completion of a match involving two Los Angeles based teams a fight was initiated outside of the Gamers X LAN Center, host of the CXG Los Angeles Qualifier; upon learning of the disturbance Chris Hill of CXG, and my son, was asked to try and resolve the matter and stop the fighting; as he broke up the fight he and others were jumped by people associated with Team BZ. As Chris, and others attempted to calm the situation a member/associate of Team BZ ran to his car opened the trunk of the car grabbed a gun and placed it to the head of Chris Hill while other Team Members and associates encouraged the person with the gun to fire!

Upon hearing of this situation and the facts surrounding the disturbance I immediately expressed my concern regarding the safety of my son as well as those players and staff involved with the event. I also began to inquire about the ability for local authorities to ensure the safety of those involved, at which time we were informed that until the people involved were arrested that no such assurances of safety could be provided. At this time I became very uncomfortable with anyone’s ability to stop an additional act of retribution by those involved and requested the staff of Gamers X to stop the event and cease all tournament functions. The staff and ownership of Gamers X agreed with this position and players were informed.

CXG would like to express our appreciation to the staff and ownership of Gamers X with regard to the way they handled and managed this situation. Their thoughtful presentation of suggestions and actions is appreciated.

While this is a deeply disturbing and personally frightening situation I currently attribute this matter, and the despicable actions of those who initiated and presented the weapons, to the moral fiber and character of the local community rather than the games and players who will suffer due to the actions of a these few.
It is the position of CXG that threats and actions such as the ones presented last night unduly bring criticism and scandal to the gaming community and reflect poorly upon what we believe, in general, to be a great group of kids and young adults. However, we are also unwilling, unlike some other organizations in gaming, to hide our heads in the sand and act like these type of issues are not present within the community, someone has to step up! This is now the second time within the last 4 months that Chris has been exposed to verbal and physical harm by people associated with PC Gaming. While the severity of the first case does not reach the depth of this most recent situation, adults with supposed control of their acts conducted both.

As a result of this most recent action CXG will take the following steps:
1. Players from both Clans/Teams who participated in this action will be band from participating within CXG related events
2. We will place information on our web site that will seek information and identify those who initiate such actions against anyone within the community and those players/teams will be band from any further relationship within CXG events and we will seek to expose their actions to all!
3. CXG will enforce a zero tolerance policy within all sanctioned events that will cause the immediate disqualification and removal of any player/team that initiates any form of verbal or physical threat to others participating within our event.
4. CXG will seek civil and criminal action against those who initiate actions viewed to be detrimental to the well being of others.
5. CXG will review all event related games to ensure the presence of intrigue, strategy, planning, and coordination of skills as part of their presentation, and free of gratuitous violence.
6. Although plans exist for a significant presence of security during the Las Vegas event, we will now increase the presentation at the event.
7. CXG will initiate a research project to identify the depth of violence related to the Gaming community and affiliated events. We want all actions reported openly so the problem can be resolved. We also want to ensure that people who incite such dangerous actions are banned from association within any community function
8. CXG will conduct a “participant required” 30 minute presentation during all events that will discuss our policies on violence. This will include presentations by those organizations engaged in community safety.

CXG also believes that the future of our organization as well as the future of others within the industry will be determined by our ability to self-mange these issues rather than leave outcomes and reactions to the general population and governments. We will always be proactive to ensure the positive presentation of the gaming community and CXG will seek ways to provide a positive influence on those associated within the gaming community

We do apologize to those gamers who attended the event in Los Angeles for its ultimate outcome; however, if each of you can take a minute and place yourself in Chris’s (Recon’s) position late last night, I do believe you will understand why I took these actions, and will continue to do so!!"

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