Hier der Changelog zu v3.0c
O Server performance improved! Thanks to everyone in #nstest that put in many long hours to find this. (bug #27
O Fixed sighting through transparent surfaces (sighting for siege behaves very oddly in certain locations. most importantly, it seems to fail through any kind of glass, such as the hera glass tube, bug #361)
O Reduced skulk armor from 20 to 10. Explanation - Now that the skulk hitbox is fixed, it's half the height that it used to be, making skulks much harder to hit.
O Encourage marines to move out by adding slow alien XP gain over time (currently 1 XP every three seconds)
O Made respawn times scaleable for small games. If x is the number of players on your team, respawn waves happen every x seconds.
O Removed minimum spawn time because it felt like a bug. Generally spawning is faster now.
O Added missing co_rebirth.wad
O Moved the skulk model so that it rotates around its center rather than its hind legs. This should look more natural when wall walking and the make the skulk's head stick out less when hiding (Thanks Mojo!)
O Fixed mouse focus problems with commander minimap and alert buttons (bugs #357 and #335)
O Fix for mouse pointer disappearing sometimes when switching between programs using the taskbar (bug #363)
O Took out "special", "_special" and "wait" commands to prevent abusive scripts from being written (especially bunny-hopping scripts)
O If both Vet and Constellation access, show Constellation (new order of preference: Custom, Developer, Playtester, Guide (unused), Constellation member, Beta server op, Veteran, Cheating Death)
O Reduced web potency by reducing min/max ensnare times from 4/10 to 2/5
O New version of co_ulysses (mostly tweaked marine start and hive room)
O Updated hand grenade model to prime faster
O Added in grenade roll animation when crouched
O Lowered force and gravity or make them bounce less
O Don't allow grenade ammo to be refilled from armory/resupply
O Fixed problem where incorrect animations sometimes played
O Lowered stomp stun duration from 2 seconds to 1 second
O Armory now occasionally gives health back when used
O New version of ns_tanith
-> waste hive more accessable for aliens/onos
-> new unweldable vent to waste
-> onos no longer has to crouch anywhere
-> added weld for top vent in reactor room
-> removed water vent weld in reactor room
O ns_metal revision 6
-> Small layout change
-> Tweaks and bugfixes
-> Added res nodes
O New version of co_rebirth
-> Added two armories at the marine start
-> Built a new command room for marines (bigger, higher)
-> Increased the size of a stockage room for JetPacks and lerks.
-> Increased the size of the hive, it was too small and marines had the possibility to shoot it from a far corridor
Es ist also nicht mehr weit bis NS 3.0 erscheint...
ich geh gorge ;) für mich hat sich nix geändert, nur das ich mit euch kein combat mode zoggen kann weil da gorges fehlen :D
» derSack
14.12.03 - 15:39
is eh ziemlich imba das scheiss geschmodder...fiese attack auf hive ohne ha...ein schmodderlerk...und ende der fahnenstange...
» Roady`
14.12.03 - 15:22
Armory mit health is ma kagges
Stomp hätten se ruhig auf 2 seks lassen können
Die tanith ausbesserungen waren nötig,als onos kamste da nirgendwo ordentlich durch.
Aber hauptsache:
Endlci ham wieder bisschen skill als lerk zeigen, nich dieses dumme rumgeschmodder die ganze zeit nur.
» derSack
14.12.03 - 14:22
jup...noch zu viele bugs...ende januar würd ich tippen...
das klingt mir alles noch nich so ausgewogen,was die da so fabrizieren ! :/
» Roady`
14.12.03 - 13:10
Es ist also nicht mehr weit bis NS 3.0 erscheint...
Das glaub ich nicht Tim.
Da werden wie immer noch so einige betas folgen :)
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