Mal wieder ist ein neues Steam-Update erschienen. Die Änderungen betreffen hauptsächlich die Steam-Plattform. Die meines Erachtens wichtigsten Neuerung ist, dass man im Serverbrowser nun auch sehen kann, ob der Server im Secure-Mode läuft.
Fixed bug in create account wizard where it would stall if a failure had previously occurred
Switch minidump generation back to small memory dumps, instead of full memory dumps
Localized content caches now mapped into app dependency list dynamically
Add progress bar for cache validation
Added history tab showing servers most recently connected to
Added ability to add/remove columns from server lists
Added secure server & ip address columns (off by default)
Set bots column to be hidden by default
Changed location filter control to appear on every page, but disabled when appropriate
Changed location filter to use '' instead of 'world', to match the other filters
Double-clicking between column headers in ListPanel now resizes the column to fit the widest text
Fixed HTML control not laying out properly the first time the scrollbar was made visible
Improved load balancing randomization
If InstallRecord.blob is not found, it will verify the current install instead of starting over from version zero
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b. Warez und Cracks
c. Werbung jeglicher Art
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f. Hinweise darauf wo das unter a) b) d) und e) aufgeführte gefunden
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