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» DoD 1.2
Kategorie: DoD
von Kenny -
20.05.04 - 13:19 - 1 Kommentare
Gestern Abend wurde per Steam die neue Version von Day of Defeat, neben CS einem auch weit verbreitetem HL-Mod, veröffentlicht.
Mit einem sehr langen Changelog ein ziemlich großes Update, welches den DoD-Spielern unter uns hoffentlich viel Freude und wenig Bugs beschehrt.
Bazooka is now a selectable class
Increased garand accuracy ( 0.019 -> 0.016 )
Increased bullet penetration by 10%
Increased mg bullet penetration ( factor 0.75 -> 0.65 )
Reduced K43 recoil ( 0.15 -> 0.13 )
Reduced greasegun recoil to match thompson ( 0.5 -> 0.4 )
Reduced FG42 recoil to match BAR ( 1.3 -> 1.0 )
Reduced Bren recoil to match BAR ( 1.3 -> 1.0 )
Reduced Enfield aim penalty to match K98
Increased K98 and Enfield recoil ( 1.0 -> 1.5 ) to match garand
Improved Enfield accuracy
Rewrote recoil system and tweaked all recoil amounts to match old values
Increased movement accuracy penalty on Enfield to match K98 ( 0.1 -> 0.15 )
Improved Springfield re-zoom behavior
Improved prone garand butt / bayonet animation
Lowered standing view height from 28 to 22 units above player origin
Reorganized slots, primary weapons are all in slot 3
Improved grenade (straight down when prone) behavior
Improved helmet of allied carbine classes behavior
Dropped weapons reset their attack times
Improved player yaw / gaityaw
Improved default font scoreboard behavior
Reset and reload all client env models when demo recording starts
Improved %s in saytext behavior
Improved unbreakable glass func_breakable behavior
Improved minimap userinfo change on the server behavior
Players suiciding after taking DMG_BLAST damage no longer play explosion death anim
Improved players sprinting from prone behavior
Optimized particles
Optimized cvar lookups
Optimized minimap drawing
Optimized player model drawing
Removed unused effects and sprites
Removed Movewith
Removed lightning and extra unused weather features
Removed cutscenes
Removed w_ models for weapons that can't be dropped
Improved names starting with # behavior
Increased number of custom objective icons per map to 6
Label in class select menu shows class limit and how many are in that class
Class menu now omits banned classes and greys out full classes
Removed hint message on bazooka /piat /pschreck pickup
Various other improvements
Added entity lookup hash to speed up searching for entities
Added new blood hit effect
Added mapinfo text files that can edit map properties - ban specific classes and remove spawned bazookas
Added print warning message if map tries to load too many client_env_models
Added K43 butt smack
Added new cvars and commands (see readme.txt for full listing)
Link zur News: DoD 1.2
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Links zur News:
» Steam
» DoD
Day of Defeat Homepage
» haz
21.05.04 - 11:34
Bei diesem game fällt mir immer nur ein Spruch ein:
!! Da warer drin( nn ) !!
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