Nachdem Q vor 2 Wochen neue features bekommen hat, dachte sich die Qnet Staff wohl heute ist L dran, seit heute verfügt L auch über den REQUESTOWNER command, und bei dem CHANLEV command erscheint nun die von Q bereits bekannte Statistik.
Original News:
In response to Q's new features, two new features have been added to L.
The REQUESTOWNER command allows you to request ownership of a channel on which there are no owners. If there are channel masters present you must also be a master, otherwise you need only operator privileges on the channel. To request ownership, type: /msg L REQUESTOWNER #channel.
Secondly, the CHANLEV command now gives a summary of the number of owners, masters, operator and so on, that have flags on a channel. For example:
-L- Total: 4 (owner: 1, master: 0, op: 3, voice: 0, ban: 0).