Valve hat mal wieder ein Update veröffentlicht, diesmal ist SourceTV enthalten, das Source Gegenstück zu HLTV
Hier der Changelog:
Counter-Strike: Source
* Enabled support for SourceTV
* Fixed a rare bug that caused some bullet impacts to be counted twice
* Improved map overview support
* The message of the day file is now required to be in the main game directory
* Fixed an issue with player names being out of sync with the server
* Fixed "purple checkerboard" problem for Message of the Day scrollbars
* Fixed some localization issues related to player chat
* Death notices are no longer displayed while blind
* Death notices retain the correct team color even if the player quickly changes teams
* Bots immediately change their names to match the bot_prefix when it changes
* Bots join dedicated servers immediately if the bot_quota is nonzero
* Fixed bug where bots would repeatedly fail to join with an invalid Steam ID
* Added mp_logdetail at the request of server administrators
Source Engine
* Player sprays now persist through round restarts. The number of rounds a spray survives is determined by r_spray_lifetime
* Fixed a bug causing the first message from a plug-in message to be colored incorrectly
* Consistency checking is now skipped during demo playback
* Added sv_visiblemaxplayers
* Fixed timing precision error causing slower framerates on servers running continuously for more than a few days
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